A better environment begins with steel

A better environment begins with steel

A better environment begins with steel

A better environment begins with steel

A better environment begins with steel
www.duurzaaminstaal.nl informs on aspects of sustainability and durability of steel-use in buildingindustry.
Publication: Bouwen met Staal, Zoetermeer.
Content: Jan-Pieter den Hollander (Bouwen met Staal) en Arend Dolsma (Bouwen met Staal).
Production: Jargo Design en LinkmasterMonkey.com, Hoofddorp.
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Helpdesk en Staalsupport
For general questions concerning the use of steel in the buildingindustry, you can contact the Helpdesk of Bouwen met Staal. Usually, you will recieve the answer within three days, free of charge. Send in your question.
Answers to popular questions on steel in the buildingindustry, you find on www.staalsupport.nl.
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Louis Braillelaan 80 • 2719 EK Zoetermeer • T +31(0)88 353 12 12 • E info@bouwenmetstaal.nl • www.bouwenmetstaal.nl