A better environment begins with steel

A better environment begins with steel

A better environment begins with steel

A better environment begins with steel

A better environment begins with steel
In Holland research in the fields of sustainability and durability are being guided by a technical committee of Bouwen met Staal (Dutch Steel Construction Institute), called the Technical Committee Sustainability (TC1 Duurzaamheid). The committee was foundes in 2010. Members derive from several advisory disciplines.
Malcolm Aalstein (IBA Amsterdam)
Elise Westenbrugge-Bilardie (IMd)
Rijk Blok (TU Eindhoven)
Stefan Greven (IBA)
Mark van der Heijde (Movares)
Thijs Huijsmans (DHV)
Jan-Pieter den Hollander (Bouwen met Staal), secretary
Hilbert-Jan Kuijer (ABT)
Joost van der Lans (Tata Steel)
Bart van Leeuwen (Movares), voorzitter
Sjoerd Tollenaar (Grontmij)
Wouter Visser (IV-groep)
TC 1 is gathering some six times a year, monitoring and discussing the process and outcomes of sustainability projects, either of Bouwen met Staal, TC 1 or individual participants. The committee also handles questions on sustainability and durability (put through to Bouwen met Staal or other organisations).
More information is soon to follow.
For questions for the TC, please contact the Helpdesk Bouwen met Staal: www.bouwenmetstaal.nl/helpdesk