A better environment begins with steel

A better environment begins with steel

A better environment begins with steel

A better environment begins with steel

A better environment begins with steel
Transformation of a water tower, Bussum (Architects: Vocus).
Starting this year the government in the Netherlands intends to only purchase sustainable products and services. This will include construction and the management of buildings. City and local councils are aiming for 75% in 2010 and 100% in 2015. The Provinces and Water Boards are setting the bar at 50% in 2010 and 100% in 2015. The authorities hope to stimulate the availability of more sustainable products and services by means of sustainable procurement.
On behalf of the government, Agentschap NL is formulating the purchasing criteria to include sustainability requirements for 45 product groups ranging from working clothing, office upholstery and toner cartridges to products that relate to buildings. A budget of 40,000 million euros per year is being made available for this. The building product groups are:
The government will spend around 700 million euros on the new construction of office buildings.
The government can impose requirements on both the environmental performance of the buildings as well as on the designers and suppliers of building materials.
The requirements for the environmental performance of the building are to be determined using the software package Greencalc+ or with the web application ‘GPR Gebouw 4.0’. The government will inform bidders in advance which tool they should use. When Greencalc+ is used a minimum score of 200 must be achieved; for ‘GPR Gebouw 4.0’ a score of 7.0 is required.
At the National Staalbouwdag 2010 (National Steel construction day), on 14 October 2011, Wiana Partakusuma (Director of interdepartmental sustainable procurement) gave a lecture on sustainable procurement. A PowerPoint presentation and video of her presentation is available from the